Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mr Mc's teacher project by Aisha

Mr Mc’s  teachers project 

My thoughts/ideas and opinions.
I enjoyed using Mr. Mc’s maths projects I use quite
a lot of these.
Number rack was my favourite it helped me in number bonds in
my maths knowledge test. A number rack is basically an
The first one we ever did was a  number pieces that was my
second favourite . Probably next I liked number line it helped me
with a lot in maths like jumping number over .
And  I also liked maths clock it helped me improve reading
time and learning addition, subtraction,multiplication and
division . 
In conclusion I would like to thank Mr Mc for amazing
teaching and helping me improve . I think all these apps
are very accurate and positive .

Buddy comment : I Sanah have read your writing and
I like the way you used lots of good punctuation like commas. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rangoli writing

Rangoli is an Indian type of art. To make Rangoli Indians will
usually use colored powder or rainbow rice. But don't worry if
you do not know how to make colored rice it's simple. Well,
basically you add rice to different bowls and add multi-colored
food color to all the bowls. 
If you can't do any of that you can just use color pencils, felt tips
and also you can just make it digitally. Rangoli is usually at the
front door. Hindus believe that this brings good luck to them and
their guests [ oh and it's also there to welcome people]. 

Rangoli patterns are also connected to Hindu Fashion !! Saris,
Shalwar kameez, churidar and Gagra choli. Some of these
clothes designs are just like Rangoli patterns.

Diyas also have style on them. They are Hindu, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Nepal, Singapore and Guyana people are celebrating Diwali. All these countries have also put Diyas all around there house it said that Diyas can destroy the evil from coming into your house.

In conclusion, I hope that Diwali is celebrated by many people and they enjoy it.
I Samantha have read your writtting I liked how you used punctuation.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Danny's flippers by Aisha

..As they swam through the rugged ocean , Both of t
hem heard a fascinating noise coming from behind  them .
BEEP ! BOP ! A submarine was approaching Danny and the
humongous beast . This wasn't any submarine , but one that
looked really odd. It made us look like miniature elephants !!
Just that second a herd of aliens jumped out of the submarine !

Then the shark smiled and speaked hand over the cash .
As they gave him the cash it turns out the shark was a man
eating criminal . He had  one little brother who is a singer and
has got famous for one lame song . BABY SHARK !! After
that nonsense he talked about ewww ...the sea -weed bush
I am hiding behind stinks . Any-way  he explained about he
really was jealous of Sofie dossi's flexibility .
He said that he could back - bend  , chase people and then
eat or kill them everybody but only if he had legs .
Oh scuba divers there rescuing me ahh now I saved until our
next journey to be continued!
Buddy comment I Aleena have enjoyed your fantastic
writing I liked the way you used punctuation .

year 3 strategy 1 part 2 with Aurel

Year strategy 1 with Aurel


Synonyms and Alternatives by Aisha

Monday, October 14, 2019

My two week hoilday

Aisha’s slide  My holiday at SKIDS 

SKIDS everything is so  enjoyable , like the games they plan
there and the new friends you can make. I love those days
when you can just have a rest from school . “ Yawn “ 
I am tired of school days when my teacher Mr mc says it's
time for maths .I mean it isn't bad but sometimes I get
frustrated and confused .
Enough let's get  the boring stuff out of the way [ no offence ] .
Anyway on SKIDS  my favourite day was lazer tag . I was in
team red and we won .And on a few of my days my bff Tunde
came with her brother Beni .It's  so interesting and fun when
some one .
 On the last day it was a Mexican  Fiesta [ a Mexican party ]
Tunde was  there to . I knew that it is the last day until ,
January holiday [ Fact I love January ] . Usually we go to
Rainbows end . Also on the last day we got presents they
called my name  but said “we can't find one of your things “ they exclaimed . 

They told me to come back and  I saw in their hands for me it was are really smooth Smiggle book with candy  prints all over it .Also I got a box around medium size it was a craft paint your own ice cream bank . With light pink , blue , ,purple , white paint and it included a red paint brush.“ Well there's my day worked out “ 
In conclusion I hope you liked my holiday { for two weeks } until next time ! .

“we can't find one of your things “ they exclaimed . 

They told me to come back and  I saw in their hands for me it was are really smooth Smiggle book with candy  prints all over it .Also I got a box around medium size it was a craft paint your own ice cream bank . With light pink , blue , ,purple , white paint and it included a red paint brush.“ Well there's my day worked out “ 
In conclusion I hope you liked my holiday { for two weeks } until next time ! .

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sentence starters by Aisha

Sentence starters 

A friend is someone that helps you and makes you feel not alone.
And they give you company [ and they give you sometimes a lot of it]. 
But sometimes well you don't really get along with each other and fight.
[ But trust me friends are one of the best].

A time I was brave was when I faced my fear of heights.
And that time was when I went to the Fair Fall! [ at Rainbows end].
And now I love the ride. I always recover from all of my fears because I
believe that they can be achieved.

I dislike doing maths but now I realize that maths helps me understand life.
And now I absolutely enjoy it. I am really good at area and premindtor. Maths
also helps you with money like if you work in a bank or in a cashier. MATHS IS

At school, I  am not very good at spelling but I always have great ideas,
good structure, amazing punctuation, and awesome vocab. I just need to
practice spelling better and I am a star.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Number line by Aisha

Ooops...I've just realised I've made a mistake. Can you spot it?

Number rack 64+?=100 by Aisha

image of an life cycle of an frog

A frogs life cycle

Aisha’s slide
A frogs life cycle 

A frog has an incredible life cycle. What is a life cycle
you may ask well it's when Plants, Animals and us
humans grow? Did you know a life cycle is a process
that all living things are going through? It's newborn
[ first day on earth ] to death [ the last day on earth].
Firstly the mother frog gives birth to the baby eggs
[ baby frogs]. She lays them on lily pads or in the
water. Then sadly some eggs get destroyed because
of rain and wind. So out of the 100, only a few survive.
Next, the father frog fertilizes the eggs and scans
through them.
Then the eggs jelly spawn shell hatches then
the tadpole feasts on its shell. What is a tadpole?
You might be thinking.  Well, being a tadpole this is
the second stage of a frog's life cycle. A few weeks
later they will grow external gills and elongate their
 I Aleena have read your writing I love your
vocab and content that you added well done.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How rubbish in Auckland gets recycled

Aisha’s slide
 How rubbish gets recycled

As a city [ Auckland ] we create 230,000 waste each year, and if we stop adding things that don't belong in the recycling bin the total would be 140,000 waste. Firstly you add your recycling bags full of rubbish, Then roll your recycling trolley onto the kerbin. After that, the recycling trucks comes on the kerbin and dumps the products in. Then it's taken to VISY recycling centre in Onehunga, and then the sorters take things that can’t be recycled. But before that, the VISY trucks tip out the recyclables and scoops it onto the converter. After that, the cardboard and paper, plastic, glass, steel, and aluminium go to special machines and get sorted automatically. Finally, the recyclables are compacted in large bales and are ready to be transported all over the world and some will stay in Auckland. I Sanah has read your writing and I like the way you used good vocab.

climate change

Aisha’s slide
 Did you know how the Earth is getting warmer and warmer? Well, it’s called climate change. It’s when chemicals such as CO2 or burning fossil fuel gases pollute the air and sea. Living creatures and plants and even us humans can suffer from climate change. Our selfish behaviour has been us starting to cut down huge amounts of valuable trees that give us oxygen. If we didn't have one single amazing tree we would not be even living right now! One change that a country does will affect the whole planet. Natural climate changes are the following; volcanic eruptions, changes in the Earth’s orbit in space and changes in the sun's energy. I loved your writing Aisha, we did a good job together of restructuring your sentences to be a little clearer and easier to understand. Your writing feedback is by Mr Mc.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why do stars twinkle

Aisha’s slide

Why do stars twinkle
Have you ever gazed upon the pitch-black sky no moon just stars?
Well, they have a gleam basically this is fake but it looks like they
are shiny. You want to know more well the reason why they shine is
that there is a thick layer of a blanket. Not the blanket you sleep
with but a thick layer of atmosphere. Sometimes you will see stars
not twinkling they are probably Just planets. But however, on a plane,
you will notice some times that there is turbulence happening .this is
because the atmosphere is shaking. In conclusion /the moral of this
story is stars don’t actually twinkle. I like the way you used some
good vocabulary next time use some punctuation By Aleena.

What if poem by Aisha

Aisha’s slide

What if … what if …. What if… Aleena
transformed into Angelina and a builder
turned into a cylinder 
What if Mr mac transformed into a big mac
What if Ziggy flew up to heaven and we all ran
back to rm 7
What if Samantha had a pet black panther 
What if Zara becomes a barber and Sanah had a
toy banana
What if Mr mac spotted Karlos putting a gun
inside a bun
The end has just begun

Thursday, July 25, 2019

my speech feed back from Mrmac

How to overcome talking in public
  • Great start “EEEEKKKK”,
  • this really captured your audience’s attention.
  • Very relevant topic and most helpful to everyone else.
  • A unique choice of topic.
  • You were loud, clear and confident.

In my opinion, I need to speak more slowly.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Aisha's key compentencies

Aisha’s Key Competencies 
(the capabilities required for living and lifelong learning)

Halsey Drive School
                     A = Almost Always
                                                                S = Sometimes
                                                           N = Not yet
1st half of the year
2nd half of the year
Managing Self

I am organized for the day

I am willing to try new things

I complete work to the best of my ability and show initiative

I begin work straight away, stay on task and work independently

I can set realistic goals and explain how to achieve them

I make sensible behavior choices

I happily take part in all school activities

Relating to Others

I cooperate well with others when working

I treat others with respect

I am a good friend and role model - especially at break times

I show good manners and cooperate with others

Participating and Contributing

I share my ideas and opinions with others

I listen well to other people’s opinions

I take part in activities outside of the classroom


I ask relevant questions to deepen my knowledge 

I reflect on my own learning and say what I need to learn next

Language Symbols and Texts

I use a range of IT to share my learning