Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Number line by Aisha

Ooops...I've just realised I've made a mistake. Can you spot it?

Number rack 64+?=100 by Aisha

image of an life cycle of an frog

A frogs life cycle

Aisha’s slide
A frogs life cycle 

A frog has an incredible life cycle. What is a life cycle
you may ask well it's when Plants, Animals and us
humans grow? Did you know a life cycle is a process
that all living things are going through? It's newborn
[ first day on earth ] to death [ the last day on earth].
Firstly the mother frog gives birth to the baby eggs
[ baby frogs]. She lays them on lily pads or in the
water. Then sadly some eggs get destroyed because
of rain and wind. So out of the 100, only a few survive.
Next, the father frog fertilizes the eggs and scans
through them.
Then the eggs jelly spawn shell hatches then
the tadpole feasts on its shell. What is a tadpole?
You might be thinking.  Well, being a tadpole this is
the second stage of a frog's life cycle. A few weeks
later they will grow external gills and elongate their
 I Aleena have read your writing I love your
vocab and content that you added well done.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How rubbish in Auckland gets recycled

Aisha’s slide
 How rubbish gets recycled

As a city [ Auckland ] we create 230,000 waste each year, and if we stop adding things that don't belong in the recycling bin the total would be 140,000 waste. Firstly you add your recycling bags full of rubbish, Then roll your recycling trolley onto the kerbin. After that, the recycling trucks comes on the kerbin and dumps the products in. Then it's taken to VISY recycling centre in Onehunga, and then the sorters take things that can’t be recycled. But before that, the VISY trucks tip out the recyclables and scoops it onto the converter. After that, the cardboard and paper, plastic, glass, steel, and aluminium go to special machines and get sorted automatically. Finally, the recyclables are compacted in large bales and are ready to be transported all over the world and some will stay in Auckland. I Sanah has read your writing and I like the way you used good vocab.

climate change

Aisha’s slide
 Did you know how the Earth is getting warmer and warmer? Well, it’s called climate change. It’s when chemicals such as CO2 or burning fossil fuel gases pollute the air and sea. Living creatures and plants and even us humans can suffer from climate change. Our selfish behaviour has been us starting to cut down huge amounts of valuable trees that give us oxygen. If we didn't have one single amazing tree we would not be even living right now! One change that a country does will affect the whole planet. Natural climate changes are the following; volcanic eruptions, changes in the Earth’s orbit in space and changes in the sun's energy. I loved your writing Aisha, we did a good job together of restructuring your sentences to be a little clearer and easier to understand. Your writing feedback is by Mr Mc.